A ceiling collapse causes a vintage collector to reconsider what really matters (“Readers Write” in The Sun)

Italian fashion meets same-sex love in 1990s New York (“My Story” in The Gay & Lesbian Review)


Sleeping single in a single bed (The 92Y Unterberg Poetry Center’s literary magazine Podium)


Struggling to find the right way to mourn a dead ex-boyfriend (Finalist for the 2021 Brooklyn Film & Arts Nonfiction Prize)

Storytellers’ True Stories About Love, Volume Two, edited by Judi Lee Goshen and Anne E. Beall, PhD

My contribution to this anthology began as a performance piece at New York City’s legendary experimental theater Dixon Place. Learn more.

I grew up shopping at thrift stores and church rummage sales, cultivating an eye for beautiful old things. These two books feature my vintage collections and my thoughts about them:


Sneak Peek

"This glimpse into Michael Quinn's Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn apartment showcases a true generosity of spirit."

—Amy Azzarito, Editor

"A day in the life of Master Michael Quinn—artist/event designer extraordinaire!"

—Irma Zandl, editor

I worked for a mannequin company for ten years—seven of them in a Brooklyn factory! Depesha, a now-defunct Russian fashion magazine, asked me to share what I learned.

For “the lit mag of the moment” (The New York Times), I offered a brief analysis of the costumes from the 1988 film, Mystic Pizza: One t-shirt, three ways.